Monday, November 14, 2011

Hollyrock Bowl

One of my FAVORITE places in L.A. is the Hollywood Bowl.
I think it has a lil something to do with seeing it on "The Flintstones" as a kid, it just made it iconic to me :)
Isn't everything cooler if Fred & Wilma went there?

In my opinion there is no better way to spend a summer evening than listening to live music under the stars (well in theory they're there, damn city lights)

Season after season my girlfriends & I anticipate the concert schedule coming out, hoping for a good line up of shows to hit. The beauty of the bowl is that you can generally see a great show at a really decent price. One of the best parts is packing up our picnic baskets, wine bottles & all and just hanging out with your friends.

I couldn't believe the entire summer had almost escaped me without a trip to the Bowl, so when I saw a daily deal for tickets I snapped them up quick!

The evening's show was a screening of "Powaqqatsi" while the Phillip Glass ensemble played, along with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Knowing my baby loooooves film scores this seemed like a no-brainer surprise :)

We packed up a goodie bag of delicious snacks, some vino, & off we went.
I was so excited to finally have a DATE to a show at the Bowl, I was a giddy lil kid that evening.
We snuggled under our blanket & were moved by the vivid images as the beautiful music filled the air.
I had my first Bowl kiss that evening ;)

For only making it once this summer, it was an evening I'll always remember.

Our view

 Some images from the film 

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